MAC Handbook
The Franklin Special District saw a need for a safe, enriching, and educational program for students enrolled in the FSD while parents were working and school was not in session. It responded by creating a Morning and Afternoon Care Program. This is a program designed to emphasize a hands-on learning atmosphere with stimulating teacher-directed activities. Children are able to choose from a variety of enrichment programs that provide them with a wide range of learning opportunities. These activities include crafts, sports, art, music, recreation, computer instruction and other activities which benefit children emotionally, socially, physically and mentally. We also provide time for the child to do homework and tutoring. The program is a non-discriminating program designed to accommodate children in kindergarten through 8th grades.
The MAC Program welcomes and encourages input from parents and children to help it grow and better serve. Should you have any questions or concerns about the program, please contact the MAC Office at 790-4719.
- Welcome
- Mission
- Registration
- Hour of Operation and Pick-Up/Drop-Off Policies
- Rates and Fees
- Payment Procedures
- Sign In / Sign Out Procedure
- Illness and Medication Policy
- Holidays and Snow Days
- Snacks and Meals
- Communication Procedures
- Injury and Medical Insurance
- Behavior and Discipline Policies
- Parent Involvement and Parent Rights
- Parent and Student Responsibilities
- Personal Belongings
- Child Abuse Policy
- Emergency Response
- Photo or Video Consent
- Contact Information
- New Panel
Welcome to the Franklin Special District MAC (Morning and Afternoon Care) Program! We are very proud of the services provided by our program and hope that you will find it to be both helpful to you as a parent and beneficial to your child. We strive to make this an extended learning opportunity which complements and supports the regular school day.
Please study the handbook carefully and feel free to contact our office if you have questions or concerns during the coming year. Your support of this program is appreciated.
David L. Snowden, Ph.D.
Director of Schools
Registration forms are available at each school MAC site or through the MAC website to be downloaded for completion. Completed registration form and Parent Agreement form must be submitted, along with the non-refundable $45 registration fee, to the MAC manager or MAC office prior to your child attending. You must complete a registration for each new school year.
Hour of Operation and Pick-Up/Drop-Off Policies
During full school days, MAC is open at 6:00 a.m. until the start of the school day (where available) and in the afternoons from when school is dismissed until 6:00 p.m.
- Freedom Middle and Poplar Grove do NOT have a morning care program.
- Freedom Middle and Freedom Intermediate students are transported to Poplar Grove for afternoon MAC when school is dismissed. Parents must sign a transportation permission form. Parents will pick up their child at Poplar Grove.
MAC closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. If a parent arrives later, a late pick up fee of $15.00 will be charged until 6:15 (example: 1-15 minutes late results in $15 fee) and will be $1.00 per minute thereafter. If you are late 3 times, you may be asked to leave the program.
After all emergency numbers are contacted and no communication received by 6:30 p.m., the police and/or Department of Children’s Services may be called for assistance with the child(ren).
Please see the calendar of the website for our days of operation and the days we are closed this year! During scheduled school breaks, all registered MAC students will attend MAC at Johnson Elementary, located at 815 Glass Lane.
All abbreviated and early dismissal days will be held at each individual school’s MAC site. Please see the MAC Rates section for cost of each abbreviated and early dismissal days.
Scheduled early dismissal days:
- August 30th
- October 4th
- November 22nd
- February 14th
- March 7th
Scheduled abbreviated days:
- December 20th
- May 23rd
Rates and Fees
MAC uses a contracted rate, which is charged each week per child, regardless of attendance. Weekly charges apply to all shortened weeks. Holiday closures DO NOT result in a proration of weekly fees.
You may choose a contracted rate of morning only attendance, afternoon only attendance, or both morning and afternoon attendance. For example, if a child is contracted for morning only, they are charged a weekly fee of $70, regardless of how many days he/she attends. If the child drops in for one afternoon of care, an additional drop-in rate of $22 would be added to the contracted rate for that week. If a full day/holiday falls within a regular school week, there is an additional $10 charge per full day for PM or AM/PM contracted rates. If on an AM only or drop-in only rate, the full day charge is $42 per day.
Contracted rates do not include full-week, scheduled school breaks. A daily rate of $42 is charged only for the days your child attends.
If your child needs care, but not on a consistent basis, you may select a drop-in option at registration. You will only be charged for the days your child attends with this option. Please note the drop-in rates below.
You may make ONE contracted rate change during the 2023-2024 school year. After a change is made, the new rate will be in effect for the remainder of the school year.
If you decide to cancel a contracted rate during the school year, you must re-register and pay the non-refundable $45 registration fee should you decide to re-enroll in the MAC program.
*Financial assistance may be available through the Department of Human Services of Tennessee at (615) 790-5500 or 1-855-247-5874.
AM Only | PM Only | AM and PM | |
Drop In/Weekly | Drop In/Weekly | Drop In/Weekly | |
Franklin Elementary | $22 / $70 | $22 / $70 | $42 / $85 |
Johnson Elementary | $22 / $70 | $22 / $70 | $42 / $85 |
Freedom Intermed | No AM Program | $23 / $75 | No AM Program |
Liberty Elementary | $22 / $70 | $22 / $70 | $42 / $85 |
Moore Elementary | $22 / $70 | $22 / $70 | $42 / $85 |
Poplar Grove | No AM Program | $23 / $75 | No AM Program |
- Additional Rates (no additional charge for Early Dismissal, Abbreviated, and Late Start Days for families on weekly PM or AM and PM contracted rates.
- Additional charge applies for snow/full days).
Drop-In Early Dismissal | Drop-In Abbreviated | Drop-In Late Start | Snow/Holiday/Full | |
AM/PM/Both | AM/PM/Both | AM/PM/Both | Drop In or AM Contract or AM/PM Contract | |
Franklin Elem | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
Johnson Elem | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
Freedom Inter | No AM/ $20 | No AM/ $18 | $16/$20/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
Liberty Elem | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
Moore Elem | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $17/$19/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
Poplar Grove | No AM/ $20 | No AM/ $20 | $16/$20/$36 | $42/ Add $12 |
- Daily Rate for scheduled, full-week breaks: $42/day (no contracted rate)
- Please see calendar on MAC website for closings during holiday breaks
MAC Summer Rates
All Sites: $42 Drop-In
Material Fee: $45 (includes t-shirt)
All holidays, snow days and professional learning days are held at Johnson Elementary MAC, located at 815 Glass Lane.
You must sign up two weeks prior to holidays for your child to attend. Changes and cancellations must be made prior to the noted deadline.
If you sign-up in advance and your child does not attend, there is a $10.00 a day no show charge per child. If your child attends as a drop-in, you must pay the daily rate plus a $10.00 a day drop-in charge per child. Due to pre-scheduling of buses, drop-ins may NOT attend scheduled field trips. No show and drop-in fees pertain to snow days, holidays, early dismissals, abbreviated days and any other situation when verified attendance is requested prior to an event.
Payment Procedures
Payment is due by Friday at 6:00 p.m. for the current week’s attendance. A late fee of $5 is automatically added if payment is not received at your child's site by 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Late payment fees will continue to accrue each week that a balance is due. Vacations, illnesses, etc., do not exempt you from paying.
- Payment may be made on site by check or money order, paid online, or by calling the MAC office at 615-790-4719 to pay by credit card.
- Check: Please write the name of the child/children and the school name on your check – especially if written by someone other than the parents. You may write one check for separate schools as long as you indicate the amount for each child on the memo line.
- Cash: Cash payments will only be taken at the MAC Office, located at 1000 Excellence Way, weekdays from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Please do not send money (cash or check) to your child’s classroom teacher. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Online Payment: You may go to and set up an account to make payments online. Please be aware there is a card processing fee when paying online.
- If your payment is mailed, it must reach the MAC Office, located at 1000 Excellence Way, by Friday or it will be late and a late fee will be assessed.
If a current email address is on file, a receipt will be sent weekly. Charges shown on the receipt are for the previous week’s charges. If you do not see a credit or zero balance, you are late and a late fee has already been applied. A credit is indicated by a minus sign, i.e. -$45.00. If you wait until receiving your weekly receipt email to pay the balance shown, the payment is already late since payments must be submitted by Friday of the current week’s attendance.
- Non-payment of a balance owed will result in your account being locked and your child/children not able to attend MAC until the balance is paid in full.
- The enrolling parent is responsible for all fees related to the child’s participation. If changes in custody or billing parties occur, notification must be sent to the MAC office immediately. The enrolling parent is responsible for payment. Both parents have equal access to the child and the child’s records unless custody papers are on file in the MAC office specifically stating otherwise.
- All credit balances of $10.00 or less will be forfeited unless a refund request is made during the current school year.
MAC is NOT required by the IRS to provide a year-end tax statement. However, tax statements will be provided for accounts paid in full. Accounts with balances will not be allowed to receive tax statements until payment is received in full.
The MAC Program Parent Agreement you sign is a contract stating payment is due by Friday each week. Failure to make timely payments will result in your account being locked and payment in full must be paid (attendance charges and late fees) before your child can return to the program.
If an "INSUFFICIENT FUNDS" check is returned to us, you will be notified and assessed a $25.00 NSF charge. Checks will not be processed twice. You will be asked to replace it immediately with a money order at the site or cash at the MAC central office. Upon receipt of three NSF checks, only cash or money orders will be accepted for the remainder of the school year. NSF checks can be reported to the Sheriff’s Department for collection.
Sign In / Sign Out Procedure
State policy requires parents of students receiving assistance through the Department of Human Services (DHS) to sign their child(ren) out on paper from the MAC program in addition to signing in/out using their assigned PIN number.
Your child must be brought inside the building when signing into the program. Each child should be signed in as soon as he/she arrives for the program. There will be NO supervision until 6:00 a.m. when the program opens.
Children must be personally checked in/out from the program in the morning and afternoon by means of an assigned computer PIN number. Children are not allowed to enter their PIN into the computer. The person checking out the child must be at least sixteen (16) years old. Parents must enter the building to check out from the assigned computer.
State child care laws require that all students be officially registered for MAC for the current school year in order for service to occur. The Department of Children’s Services or Police Department will be contacted for all students dropped off in MAC without proper MAC registration.
Students will be released only to persons listed on the MAC registration paperwork.
To pick children up up from MAC, you must have a government-issued photo ID and be listed on the authorized pick up list or you will not be permitted to leave with the child/ren. Anyone unfamiliar to MAC staff will be asked to present a government-issued photo ID.
In custody situations, legal documentation will be requested and kept on file at the MAC location. MAC cannot restrict a parent from his/her child without legal documentation. We cannot obtain legal documents from the front office. Please be sure to provide your MAC location with these documents.
Students will neither be released to commercial transportation personnel (i.e., taxi drivers) nor will they be released to anyone whose behavior may place the child(ren) in immediate risk. If we suspect any parent/guardian or other authorized caretaker of being incapacitated, mentally, physically or emotionally; behaving in an irrational manner due to the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substance, we reserve the right to prevent such a person from removing a child from our care.
If anyone picking up a child is exhibiting any of the above mentioned behaviors, we will offer to call another authorized person from the contact list provided by the parent to come and transport the child. If the person picking up the child resists our offer of assistance and insists on removing the child against our better judgment, we will notify the police that we believe the child is in danger and seek their help.
Illness and Medication Policy
Please do not send your child to the program if he/she is ill. The MAC program follows the same “fever free for 24 hour policy” that the schools abide by (unless advised differently by the CDC or TN Dept. of Health. A separate notification will be sent if this is required). Your child must be picked up as soon as possible in the event he/she becomes ill or develops a fever while in the program. If a child is absent from school due to illness, he/she will not be permitted to attend MAC that day.
If a child has to be given daily medication (such as Ritalin or seizure medicine), a medication form MUST be on file with the Site Manager. This form must have clearly stated instructions, such as the name of the medication, dosage and time of day to be administered. The instructions should include the physician’s signature. The medication must be given to the Site Manager in a prescription bottle. Over-the-counter medications, such as cough syrup, aspirin or cold medicines, CANNOT be administered in MAC. MAC follows the medication policy for Franklin Special District.
If a child has head lice, clearance must be obtained from the school office and/or nurse stating the student is free of lice or nits before returning to the MAC program. During summer months, the site manager or next in charge will determine re-admittance to the program. A child with head lice or nits will be immediately separated from the rest of the children and a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the child as soon as possible.
Holidays and Snow Days
The MAC Program will operate each day school is in session. In addition, we will operate FULL-DAY schedules (6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) on professional learning days, some school holidays, and our summer program. (Note: See the Calendar on the MAC webpage for planned closures.)
If MAC is closed due to inclement weather, it will be announced via ParentSquare, the website, district social media accounts, and local radio/television stations. If schools are closed, the Director of Schools will make the determination if it is safe to open MAC. Remember to listen for an announcement for the Franklin Special District – not Williamson County or Franklin County!
If open, snow days will operate from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. If schools open late due to adverse weather, MAC will open at 7:00 a.m. at all buildings except Freedom Middle. If school dismisses early due to adverse weather, MAC will operate at your school site until 5:00 p.m. Your child/children must be registered in MAC to stay.
Snow days, holidays, professional learning days and summer MAC will be held at the JOHNSON ELEMENTARY MAC site, located at 815 Glass Lane. Parents must come into the building to sign in and out during these days. In order for us to have an idea of how many children to plan for during the holidays, you will be asked to sign up in advance.
Please see the MAC Rates section for daily fees during holidays and snow days.
Snacks and Meals
BEFORE SCHOOL CARE - breakfast can be purchased in the school cafeteria. Current prices are posted at each school.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE - an afternoon snack is provided every day and is included in the weekly fee.
FULL DAY CARE – breakfast may be provided by MAC and will be announced; an afternoon snack will always be provided at no additional cost. Lunch arrangements will be announced for summer MAC with most provided by MAC and some provided by the parent.
Communication Procedures
If you need to communicate during the hours the MAC Program is in session, you may then call your child's school, as a telephone will then be available to the MAC Program. *Please see contact information for each school’s telephone number on MAC webpage.
Franklin Elementary
Johnson Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Moore Elementary
Poplar Grove Elementary
Injury and Medical Insurance
If your child becomes injured while attending MAC, the staff will notify a parent no later than at pick up. If a child becomes hurt in our care, appropriate first aid will be applied. All known injuries are documented and will be presented to parents when the child is picked up.
You are encouraged to have medical insurance for your child in case of an accident.
Behavior and Discipline Policies
MAC students will be expected to follow the following behavior rules:
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Use inside voices when speaking.
- Respect others. DO NOT swear, tease, bully, or fight.
- Stay with your group at all times.
Consequences of not following the above rules will result in the following:
1st Offense: Verbal warning.
2nd Offense: Verbal warning with documentation and time out from activities.
The following behaviors are considered inappropriate and unacceptable in MAC. These behaviors may result in an immediate three to five day suspension.
- Possession of weapons, contraband or other dangerous objects (Zero Tolerance Policy applies)
- Fighting, wrestling, spitting (with or on peers or staff)
- Destruction of center/school property
- Destruction of personal property of another person
- Vulgar language, cursing
- Improper display of private body parts
- Disrespectful behavior to other children or staff
- Stealing
- Physical attacks on staff or other students (Zero Tolerance Policy applies)
- Throwing objects (rocks, sticks, desks, tables, etc.)
- Leaving a group without permission (i.e., running away, hiding, etc.)
- Behavior deemed inappropriate and unacceptable by the Site Manager, Principal or the Program Supervisor
It is expected of parents and those authorized to pick up your child to treat all staff, other program participants, and other parents with mutual respect. Serious infractions or repeated offenses from this expected behavior by the parent or authorized pick up person may result in the child’s dismissal from the MAC program.
All children enrolled in the MAC Program will be expected to follow rules established by the staff for the purpose of safety and smooth operation of the program. Children who have behavior problems may be asked to leave the program. If your child is suspended from school, he/she may not attend the MAC program until the child returns to school. Any student with a record of violence or a zero tolerance violation will not be allowed to attend MAC.
The MAC Staff is committed to positive reinforcement of good behavior. If a significant problem occurs, you will be contacted by the Site Manager. Please stress the importance of good behavior patterns with your child. It is our goal to keep the program enjoyable for everyone. Any student who is assigned to the Alternative Learning Center will not be allowed to attend the MAC Program.
Parent Involvement and Parent Rights
Shared information between the parent and the staff about the child can benefit the parent and the MAC Program. The staff will be able to meet the needs of your child in a better manner if we are aware of things like an illness in the family, a change in living location, special fears, etc. Please keep all information on your child's registration form current. It is your responsibility to update work and home telephone numbers.
The MAC Staff will keep you informed about special activities and your child's participation in the program. We want you to know what is being done to create the best possible experience for your child. Communication and working together will strengthen our program!
Parents Have the Right To:
- Know their children are in a safe environment where they are free to select from a variety of activities.
- Know what types of programs and activities are being planned and be offered feedback on the kinds of activities the children enjoy.
- Share concerns with the Staff, or the Advisory Board, about anything they do not feel is in the best interest of the children.
- Know if their child is misbehaving and spend time talking with the staff concerning a solution.
- Know when the children will be going to any place other than where the program is usually held.
- Voice concerns and considerations not covered in this handbook.
Parent and Student Responsibilities
Parents Have The Responsibility To:
- Observe the rules of the MAC Program as set forth in this handbook and any additional policy statements.
- Listen to concerns that MAC Administration have about their child's behavior and to work through an agreeable solution to problems.
- Know about any changes in policy or procedure.
- Replace any equipment the child is responsible for misusing.
- Sign out their child at the end of the day or notify a staff member when another authorized person is picking up their child.
- Inform staff if a child has been exposed to a contagious illness.
- Notify staff of planned vacation and other absences in advance.
- Notify staff of withdrawal at least one week in advance.
- Pay fees on time.
- Keep the child's record up-to-date with any changes in telephone numbers and addresses.
- Pick up children on time.
- Have your child's name on articles such as coats, lunch boxes, book bags, etc. he/she may bring to MAC.
Students Need To Be Responsible:
- For respecting the rules which guide them during the school day; for controlling their feelings so their actions do not harm anyone in the program.
- For not willfully destroying or harming any equipment or property in the building or belonging to anyone else while they are in the program.
- For sharing equipment and facilities with all children in the program.
- For remaining with a staff member at all times and notifying a staff member when they need to go to another area.
- For coming IMMEDIATELY after school, unless they advise the staff member otherwise.
- For respecting the rules of the MAC Program.
- For dressing appropriately for indoor play; for having tennis shoes available to wear in the gym.
- For carrying out an activity they have committed themselves to do.
- For cleaning areas they have used before leaving that area either to go to another area or to go home.
- To bring all materials they need to take home with them to MAC each day - no one will be allowed to return to their classrooms after school.
- For bringing a written note to MAC from a teacher who needs their help after school.
Personal Belongings
Child Abuse Policy
Any staff who has reasonable cause to know or suspect a child has been subject to abuse or neglect, or who has observed the child being subject to circumstances or conditions that would reasonably result in child abuse or neglect, must immediately report such facts to the Department of Child Services
Warning Signs of Child Abuse
Below are indicators of child abuse and neglect, please note that the signs in each category may pertain to one or more types of abuse or neglect. If you suspect abuse, please call the Tennessee toll free Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-237-0004.
Signs of Sex Abuse |
Signs of SexualExploitation of Minors |
· Soreness or bruising, pain or itching in genital or anal areas · Sexually transmitted diseases · Nightmares or bedwetting · Unexplained loss of appetite · Becoming isolated or withdrawn · Excessive masturbation or sexual play · Abuses children, animals or pets · Attaches very quickly to strangers or new adults in their environment · Obsession with pornography or viewing sexually explicit photos · Repeated runaway or suicide attempts · Self-destructive behavior/self-injury/cutting, risky or delinquent behavior · Substance abuse |
· History or presence of emotional, sexual, or other physical abuse · Sexually transmitted diseases · Evidence of homelessness; no identification and runaway · Inexplicable appearance of expensive gifts, clothing, or other costly items · Presence of an older boy-/girlfriend · Evidence of drug use · Possesses multiple phones and hotel room cards · Repeated statement of urgent |
Signs of Physical Abuse |
· Unexplained fractures or injuries · Previous injuries in various healing stages · Patterned injuries consistent with objects of abuse (cigarettes, belt, hands) · Burns on extremities, buttocks or genitals · Frightened of or shrink at approach of adult caregiver |
· Emotional turmoil (anxiety, depressed, suicidal); developmental delays · Self-isolation or undue aggression · Fear of going home; many school absences · Abuses animals or pets |
Signs of Emotional Abuse |
Signs of Neglect |
· Anxiety, depression or humility · Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliation · Developmental delays; failure to thrive
· Abandonment or reports that there is no one at home to provide care · Constant hunger or begs or steals food for money; signs of malnutrition · Abuses alcohol or drugs · Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather or clothes are filthy · Neglected personal hygiene (body odor, matted hair) · Consistent lack of supervision · Untreated medical issues |
In Tennessee, everyone is legally mandated to report suspected child abuse and neglect.
Emergency Response
Photo or Video Consent
At times we are very fortunate to have various news agencies to do a publicity feature about our program. The parent agreement form in the registration packet will also give permission for your child to appear in publicity photos and/or videos. If you choose for your child not to appear in standard photos or videos, please notify your Site Manager or call the MAC Office at 790-4719.
Contact Information
Please refer to the MAC website to see contact information for each school and the MAC office.
New Panel
Tennessee Department of Education Standards for School-Administered Child Care, Chapter 0520 12 01
Program Approval, 0520-12-01-.03
- All persons or entities must be certified by the Tennessee Department of Education.
- At least five school-aged children enrolled in kindergarten or above must be documented to be considered for approval by department jurisdiction. If documentation is not proven, the program will then be referred to the Department of Human Services for licensing.
- At least two visits will be made to the program under the temporary license to ensure health and safety regulations are followed. Once the annual license is issued, visits will include one announced and one unannounced each program year. Supplemental visits may include a summer visit, complaint investigations, and follow-ups for violations noted at the regular visits.
- A certificate is not transferable to another location.
- The program must submit an annual report to the department prior to Oct. 1. The certificate may be suspended if the report is incomplete.
- Programs are subject to being issued a safety plan if the department finds major health and safety violations during any on-site visit.
Program Organization and Administration, 0520-12-01-.05
• A Child Care Center must have an adequate budget. General liability, automobile liability, and medical payment insurances must be maintained on all properties and vehicles owned or operated by the program.
• Children’s files must include a complete application, an official immunization record (exceptions do apply), and health history before the child is allowed in the classroom.
• On-going parent communication is expected. Programs must provide a parent handbook with the policies, procedures, and the department requirements, chapter 0520-12-01. It is expected that parents sign for receipt of the policies and requirements, and this would be kept in the child’s file. All parents shall be given a pre-placement visit opportunity.
• Parents must have access to all areas of the center when their child is present.
• The parents must receive an educational program regarding child abuse detection, reporting, and prevention.
• A written plan must be in place for the release of each child and should include individuals who are allowed to pick up the child at the end of the day, or any given time, by the parent.
• Children must be signed out of the program by the legal guardian. Staff may require to see a person’s identification when releasing a child from the program.
• Injuries and incidents will be reported to the parent as soon as possible or at the end of the school day. This shall be documented in the child’s file.
• Staff records must be kept on each employee that includes educational background, reference checks, TBI check, in-service training, physical exams, and performance reviews.
Early Childhood Quality and Supports July 2021
• If the center provides transportation, the driver should be appropriately licensed, have a drug screening on file, and a certificate of CPR/First Aid, there must be liability insurance and the children must have adequate space and supervision. Transportation provided by the center, or under center authorization, shall comply with state law.
• Programs must have the current Certificate of Approval posted where parents and visitors can easily see it, along with the Department of Human Services (DHS) child care complaint number and the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) Child Abuse Hotline number.
• No smoking must also be posted in a conspicuous manner.
• A copy of the state board rules (chapter 0520-12-01) must be maintained in a central space and available to all staff and parents.
Program Operation (Supervision), 0520-12-01-.06
• Careful supervision of each group is expected at all times and suited appropriately for each age grouping.
• Adult:child ratios and group sizes must be followed.
Single-age grouping chart:
Infant (6wks-12 m) |
8 |
1:4 |
Toddler (11m-23m) |
12 |
1:6 |
Two (2) years old |
14 |
1:7 |
Three (3) years old |
18 |
1:9 |
Four (4) years |
20 |
1:13 |
VPK, 619, PDG |
20 |
1:10 |
Multi-age grouping chart:
Infant – 18 months |
8 |
1:4 |
18 – 36 months |
16 |
1:8 |
3 – 4 years old only |
20 |
1:10 |
3 – 6 years old* |
24 |
1:13 |
*Not including first grade children
• Group sizes must be maintained in the classroom, but classes may combine while outdoors, in common dining areas, or common napping areas.
• Each group must have their own space. Infants cannot be grouped with children older than 30 months; a separate area must be provided for infants and toddlers.
• At naptime, ratios may be relaxed for groups (except for infants and toddlers).
• A written playground supervision plan is required.
• Field trips require adult:child ratios to be doubled. Swimming has a separate ratio chart (page 17) and the lifeguard is not included in the ratio.
Staff, 0520-12-01-.07
• All programs must have a director and enough teachers and staff to meet the required ratios for adequate supervision.
• Staff must be physically, mentally, and emotionally stable to work with children and have knowledge of early childhood behaviors and development.
• Preschool directors, teachers, and assistant teachers must be 21 years of age.
• All new staff must complete two hours of orientation before assuming duties and receive annual instruction in early childhood topics that are required in this chapter section.
• Documentation of training hours is to be maintained for each staff member and available for the department at any time during the program year.
• The program must maintain written documentation that each employee has read the full set of all applicable rules.
• A copy of the entire rules must be maintained and readily accessible to all employees.
• All staff must have a criminal background check upon hiring and must be cleared before assuming duties. A new fingerprint sample is required every five years for all employees.
• All teachers and assistant teachers must be at least 21 years of age.
• A director shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations, shall be physically present in the facility for at least half the hours of operation, be at least 21 years of age, and follow the qualification guidelines listed in this chapter section.
• An assistant director may be designated in charge when the director is absent.
• All directors, assistant directors, teachers, assistant teachers, and other staff working directly with the children must have 30 hours of professional development training. At least six hours of this professional development must be in developmentally appropriate literacy practices.
Program, 0520-12-01-.09
• Educational activity must be developmentally appropriate for the age and ability of the children enrolled. (See TN-ELDS for Birth-48 Months and TN-ELDS for 48 month-Kindergarten)
• Any technology used by the children must be reviewed by staff, approved by parents, and shall not exceed two hours per day.
• Children shall not be left in restraining devices (swings, car seats, high chairs, etc.) for periods longer than 30 minutes.
• Children should have opportunities to play together, and also alone, when they choose to do so.
• Personal safety must be taught each year for children ages three years through school age. Parents must be made aware of the curriculum and written approval from the parent/guardian must be maintained for each child.
• Outdoor play must be provided for all ages who are in care for more than three daylight hours, weather permitting (temp ranges 32-95 degrees).
• Behavior management and discipline must be reasonable and age appropriate. Spanking or other corporal punishment is not allowed. Timeout must be based on the age of the child and take place in an appropriate location.
• Children shall not be in care for longer than 12 hours in a day.
• Routines such as snacks, meals, and rest shall occur at approximately the same time each day.
Health and Safety, 0520-12-01-.10
• A first aid kit must be on the premises and a comprehensive first aid chart or list must be available.
• There must be a staff member present at all times who has a current certification in CPR and first aid training.
• A written plan to protect children during disasters is required. Drills must be practiced and documented each month. At least one drill must be practiced during extended care hours.
• Smoking and the consumption of alcohol are not allowed on the premises of a child care program.
• Firearms are not allowed on the premises, or in a vehicle, used to transport children.
• Kitchen knives, or other potentially hazardous tools, must be kept inaccessible to children.
• Staff’s personal belongings must be kept inaccessible to children.
• Emergency contact numbers must be listed and posted near all telephones.
• Conduct regular morning health checks of each child and notify parents immediately when a child is sick or injured.
• Medication may not be given to any child without the written consent of the parent/guardian.
• Safe sleep practices for infants must be followed:
o Infants placed on their back to sleep or in a crib or pack ‘n play with only the sheet. Soft bedding for infants is not allowed.
o No swaddling or wrapping in a blanket.
o Infants must be touched by a teacher every 15 minutes to check breathing and body temperature.
o Infant room teachers must have SIDS and safe sleep training before reporting for duty.
• Hand washing and diapering procedures must be followed to minimize the spread of germs in the classrooms.
• Proper diapering procedures must be followed (
• Developmentally appropriate equipment that is in good repair, and easily cleaned, is required. All manufacturer’s safety instructions must be followed.
• Electrical cords and outlets should be inaccessible to the children.
• Children must have a place to store their belongings that minimizes the spread of germs.
• Each child must have their own napping equipment (2” thick mat or cot; sheet or cover for the mat; and a coverlet for their body)
• All staff must report reasonable suspicions of child abuse to DCS hotline number or local law enforcement immediately upon knowledge of the event. Annual training for this is required.
• A child abuse coordinator must be designated by the program. This person must be trained in child abuse reporting, be available for the program staff if they have questions about reporting,and serve as a liaison to the program staff, DCS, and law enforcement agencies.
• All staff and volunteers will cooperate with investigation personnel in the event of suspected child abuse or neglect.
Food, 0520-12-01-.11
• Children will receive meals based on the amount of hours spent in the program.
• Food should not be forced or withheld from children.
• Infants must be held while bottle feeding and bottles may not be heated in the microwave.
• Special diets and instructions must be provided in writing.
• A menu must be posted each week. Changes to the meal must be documented before the meal occurs.
• Teachers and children must wash hands when handling and eating food.
• All eating surfaces must be washed with soapy water and sanitized before eating and after eating.
• Children must be seated at appropriately sized tables.
• Staff must closely supervise them while eating.
• Milk must be placed in the refrigerator immediately after it is served. All formulas remaining in bottles after feeding must be discarded.
• Highchair manufacturer’s restraints must be used.
• Food must be properly handled and stored to protect it from contamination.
• Milk and perishable food must not sit on the table longer than 15 minutes before being served.
Physical Facilities, 0520-12-01-.12
• All facilities must pass an annual fire inspection and health inspection.
• A working telephone is required.
• A minimum of 30 square feet of usable indoor play space for each child is required.
• The area must be clean and safe for the children to use.
• A minimum of 50 square feet per child is required outdoors.
• The outdoor area must be fenced.
• Outdoor play equipment must be age appropriate for the group of children.
• Outdoor equipment must be placed to avoid injury and have a proper amount of resilient surfacing material to cushion a fall.
• The outdoor playground must be properly maintained with a written playground maintenance plan. A pre-play inspection is required before children play outdoors.
• Drinking water shall be provided in all occupied rooms.
• Adequate temperature must be maintained in all classrooms.
• Classroom pets must be kept in a clean cage and kept away from food storage or food preparation areas.
Transportation, 0520-12-01-.13
• All transportation laws must be followed at all times and are defined in State Board of Education Pupil Transportation Rule 0520-01-05-.01 (2).
• Liability insurance coverage is required on all vehicles.
• Fifteen passenger vans are strictly prohibited.
• Proper child passenger restraints are to be used when transporting children in passenger vehicles.
• All school bus drivers must be properly licensed, have received a background check through the department, complete an annual physical and mental exam, complete annual school bus driving training, and complete CPR certification.
• Adult monitors, in addition to the driver, may be needed to properly supervise children while inroute.
• Passenger logs must be kept and inspection of vehicles at the end of the route is required to ensure no child is left inside the vehicle.
Care of Children with Special Needs, 0520-12-01-.14
• When children with special needs are enrolled, all reasonable and appropriate efforts shall be made to provide those children equal opportunity to participate in the same program activities as their peers.
• Adaptations to the environment shall be directed toward normalizing the lifestyle of the child with a disability by helping him/her become independent and develop self -help skills.
• The program shall inform parents of any specialized services available from the program and, if the program is aware of any specialized services available through third parties, shall additionally inform the parent of such services.
• The governing agency shall develop policies and procedures, in accordance with 0520-01-09-.23, governing personnel authorized to use isolation and restraint, training requirements, and incident reporting procedures.
School-Age Before and after School Programs 0520-12-01-.15
• All staff shall be 18 years of age.
• Professional development training hours are required: 18 hours for directors and 12 hours for staff.
• The ratio for Kindergarten-12 years old is 1:20 and for 13 years and older is 1:30.
• The ratio and group size requirements, when pre-K is enrolled in the program, are:
Group Size |
Adult: Child Ratio |
Including 3 year olds |
15 |
1:10 |
Including 4 year olds |
20 |
1:12 |
(NASHVILLE AREA) 615–313-4820