Summer Learning Camp


The FSD 2024 Summer Learning Camp serves students in rising grades K – 8  from June 3 – June 27. Camp is free and housed at Poplar Grove School, 1030 Excellence Way.  The camp is funded through the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act, which legislated the creation of summer learning camps across the state to provide additional learning opportunities that are essential to accelerate students’ educational growth and ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and dreams. 

Camp details include:

  • Camp hours are 8:20 a.m.-3:30 p.m. for rising grades K-8.
  • There will be seven hours of daily programming for rising grades K-8.
  • Daily programming includes four hours of reading and math instruction, one hour of intervention, and one hour of physical activity or play.
  • Instruction will be provided in a casual and fun format by a licensed and endorsed teacher.
  • Middle school students assigned to "summer school" will attend SLC.
  • Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided.
  • FSD will provide bus transportation for students.
  • If a rising 1st-8th grade student attends Summer Learning Camp, he/she has the option to be transported to and from the Summer  MAC site at Johnson Elementary (MAC enrollment fees will apply). Rising kindergartners are not eligible for Summer MAC.

In accordance with Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act, students who need additional support to prepare them for the next school year will be given priority; however, the camp may also be available for current FSD students as space allows.

Contact Us

Melissa Miller, Ed.D., K-4 Administrator
Cinamon Collins, Ed.D., 5-8 Administrator
Spanish Translator TBD

1030 Excellence Way
Franklin, TN  37069
