English Language Learners
As part of the student enrollment process, parents complete the Home Language Survey section on the registration form. Information provided in the Home Language Survey determines if further English language screening is necessary. Students are then screened to determine if they qualify to receive EL services. The State of Tennessee uses the WIDA ACCESS assessment to monitor children in grades K-8 measuring progress towards English language proficiency. Tennessee is a member in the WIDA Consortium.
Once it is determined a student qualifies to receive EL services, they are served by both the General Education and EL Teachers in pull-out and push-in instructional settings. Between 45 minutes and one hour each day are spent with their EL teacher in a setting deemed most appropriate for the individual learner. The EL teachers use small group instruction to help children learn English through reading, writing, listening and speaking. It takes approximately four to seven years for a child to become fluent in English.
Parent Liaisons
The FSD has Parent Liaisons who are available by appointment for translation services. They do require advance notice for travel and availability purposes. The FSD Parent Liaisons have proven to be an invaluable resource for both teachers and parents as they interpret during parent meetings, and translate FSD documents.
- Franklin Elementary
- Johnson Elementary
- Liberty Elementary
- Moore Elementary
- Poplar Grove Elementary
- Poplar Grove Middle
- Freedom Intermediate and Freedom Middle
Franklin Elementary
Johnson Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Moore Elementary
Poplar Grove Elementary
Poplar Grove Middle
Freedom Intermediate and Freedom Middle
Student Support Services Office
Lee Kirkpatrick, Ed.D., Supervisor
Sheila Morreale, Secretary
205 Eddy Lane
Franklin, TN 37064