Counseling Services

Mission Statement

The mission of the FSD counseling program is to support all students by using a comprehensive, developmental, and preventative approach to teach academic, social/emotional, and college/career readiness skills necessary to achieve quality learning and life-long success.

School Counseling Services

The counseling program is an integral part of the total school environment. It is implemented by licensed Professional School Counselors with the support of teachers, administrators, support personnel, students, parents, and community members. School counselors are specially trained to address the issues within our schools that have a substantial impact on student learning.  Serving as leaders and advocates, school counselors work collaboratively to provide services in a proactive, developmental, and preventative manner. Today’s school counselors are vital members of the education team and provide a wealth of services to support students.

The FSD school counseling program is implemented within the framework of the Tennessee Model for Comprehensive School Counseling. The Tennessee Model of Comprehensive School Counseling reflects the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards for School Counseling Programs and the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. The website below provides links to this information:

Parents who have questions or comments about curriculum content should contact the counselor at the school where their children attend.

Character Education

Character education is incorporated throughout the Counseling Program at all grade levels. Counselors will keep parents informed of the topics to be taught through newsletters, school websites, etc.  Parents who have questions or comments about curriculum content should contact the counselor at the school where their children attend.

Service Types

Program Evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of the school counseling program in measurable terms, school counselors analyze data to determine how students are different as a result of the school counseling program. School counselors use data to show the impact of the school counseling program on student achievement, attendance and behavior and to guide future action and improve future results for all students. To assist in the annual evaluation of counseling services, parents will be asked to participate in a survey near the end of the school year.  Responses will be valuable in ensuring that we maintain a program of services that meets the needs of all children.

child petting therapy dog in classroom

Therapy Dogs

The FSD Therapy Dog program goal is to have a therapy dog (or dog in training) at every school. According to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the benefits of having therapy dogs in the school/classroom include:

  • Physical benefits. Interaction with therapy dogs has been shown to reduce blood pressure, provide physical stimulation and assist with pain management.
  • Social benefits. A visiting therapy dog promotes greater self-esteem and focused interaction with other students and teachers.
  • Cognitive benefits. It has been empirically proven that therapy dogs stimulate memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Emotional and mental health benefits. A recent national survey of adolescent mental health found that about 8 to 10 percent of teens ages 13 to 18 have an anxiety disorderA therapy dog can lift moods in the classroom, often provoking laughter. The therapy dog is also there to offer friendship and a shoulder to lean on for students.

Student Support Services
Lee Kirkpatrick, Ed.D., Supervisor
Sheila Morreale, Secretary
205 Eddy Lane
Franklin, TN  37064