
The Franklin Special District places a high value on attendance because of its direct correlation to the success students will experience on their educational journey. The attendance secretaries at each school perform many tasks but one of the most important items of their day is to accurately record the attendance of every child in our school district. The attendance secretaries work with the building principals and the FSD Attendance Office in communicating with families regarding attendance. The district strives to connect families with community resources and provide support when it is needed. Being in school every day, and for the full day, can lead to a positive school year for our students.

For more information on FSD’s attendance policies and procedures, visit the Student section of the online Board Policy Manual (policies 6.200-6.208).

head shot of woman in red blouse

Safety and Attendance
Celby Glass, Supervisor
Nichole Johnson, Attendance Coordinator
205 Eddy Lane
Franklin, TN  37064

Every Day in School Matters