Finance & Administration
The division of Finance and Administration includes the support services listed on the left. All functions included in this division exist to further the mission of “Excellence in Teaching and Learning for All” as service centers for the schools.
Budget and Financial Statements
As in all previous years, the most recent audit, conducted by Matlock Clements, Certified Public Accountants, provided the FSD with an “unqualified opinion,” which demonstrates a judgment of “no reservation” as to the fairness of presentation of a company’s financial statements and their conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
Bond Rating
The FSD has been given an Aa1 (Very Strong) Financial Strength Rating by Moody’s, signifying the district’s commitment to responsible spending.
David Esslinger, Ed.D., Associate Director of Schools for Finance and Administration
Robbie Lerche, Administrative Assistant
205 Eddy Lane
Franklin, TN 37064
ESSER 3.0 Budget
In response to COVID-19, the U.S. Congress passed several pieces of legislation that sent billions of dollars in relief funds to states. Tennessee received, in total, $4.2 billion to be spent on schools across the state in three phases. This is known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, and for the third phase that was included in the American Rescue Plan, FSSD has been granted $594,860.
This funding has helped FSD schools address the impact that the pandemic has had – and continues to have – on our schools and students. Districts across the state identified approaches to lessen the effect of the pandemic, as well as how to provide relief from the lasting effects of COVID-19. FSD has identified factors that may be needed for student success within the parameters set forth by Congress and the Department of Education at the federal and state levels.
Tax Relief for the Elderly
The FSSD participates in the Williamson County Broad-Based Tax Relief for the Elderly program, administered by the Williamson County Trustee’s Office.