Accessibility Statement

We want everyone who visits the Franklin Special District website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

FSD Accessibility Plan

To ensure the Franklin Special District website is a positive experience for everyone, we use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. These federal guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user friendly for everyone. Please visit the FSD Accessibility Plan to read the guidelines we have in place to meet accessibility requirements.

How are we doing?

We've worked hard on the Franklin Special District website and believe we've achieved our goal of Level AA accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please get in touch.

Please report web accessibility issues:

Verbal Grievance

You may also submit a verbal grievance by calling the FSD Central Office Communications Department at 615-794-6624. The district is committed to making its website accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions for access improvements.