District Map & Zoning
School Zone Lookup
The map below is designed to help families learn which school their student(s) should attend based on the physical street address of their home. There may be other factors that ultimately affect the school a student will attend, such as Individual Education Plans (IEP) or other special considerations.
Is your address outside the boundaries of FSD? Learn more about the possibility of your child(ren) attending FSD on a tuition basis.
- Find Your Bus Route: Discover your bus number, your child’s closest bus stop, and the approximate arrival and drop-off times.
- Neighborhoods by School Zone: This listing shows schools by neighborhood and subdivision.
For questions regarding transportation, please visit the Transportation Department online. For questions about school zones, please call the FSD Central Office at 615-794-6624.
Interactive Map
To find your zoned schools, type your home address in the Google Maps field below. Sorting options are available by clicking the PLUS sign to the right of the address field.
Historical Perspective
The boundaries of the FSD were frozen in 1986 (HB1236 of the Private Acts of 1987, Chap. 53) by the General Assembly. Prior to this date, the FSD boundaries followed those of the Ninth Civil District. Because the population was growing rapidly, the city was annexing county land to provide services to its new residents. As a way to assist the school systems in planning for the new residents, the boundaries were frozen, preventing the massive adding and dropping of students from one district to another as land was annexed. It is for this reason that the FSD boundaries do not encompass the city of Franklin as a whole.