About Us
What is a Special School District?
Established in 1906, by the Franklin Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the Franklin Special District (FSD) is a public school system serving pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade students in eight schools within the beautiful historic city of Franklin, Tennessee. A special act of the legislature in 1949 allowed the district to make changes in its funding sources, thus becoming the first special school district in Tennessee. This change in status gave the School Board the authority to approve its own budget and levy taxes to fund education. From that point forward, the school district would be known as the Franklin Special School District. And in 2024 our board made the decision to rebrand, reintroducing ourselves as the Franklin Special District, or FSD.
Watch the video below to see all of the other reasons that SPECIAL THINGS HAPPEN HERE!
Special Things Happen in Special Places
Enjoy this video showcasing the heart behind what we do.
Vision Statement
“Excellence in Teaching and Learning for All”
Mission and Goals
The mission of the Franklin Special District is to foster academic, social, emotional, physical, and creative development in each student; to instill a desire to continue learning; to nurture respect for all people; and to promote responsible citizenship.
The Franklin Special District will be a place where special things happen for kids and families. Here's how we'll do it:
- Develop a community of learners that emphasizes academics along with kindness, encouragement, caring, and compassion.
- Provide a comprehensive array of instructional programs and experiences for students that focus on all essential areas of education and child development.
- Encourage collaboration and shared decision-making involving teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and community members.
- Emphasize continuous improvement and a constant search for better ways of educating students and managing the school district in an effective and efficient manner
District Improvement Plan 2023-2024
In order for Tennessee to reach its goals that all students have the knowledge and skills to successfully embark upon their chosen path in life, it is important that schools, districts, and the state develop strong plans for improvement that aim to incrementally move towards those long term goals. Therefore, all districts and schools in Tennessee are required to create a comprehensive improvement plan that is developed annually by a diverse group of stakeholders to drive prioritization of the work and associated funding decisions to improve educational opportunities for all students.
During the planning process, stakeholders are challenged to review various data points to identify the current needs of the district or school. Once the needs are identified, the planning team creates aligned goals, strategies, and action steps that align with the prioritized needs. All plans should be monitored regularly and revised based on students’ needs throughout the school year with input from the planning team.
2023-2024 District Improvement Plan
- Goal 1: Increasing Academic Achievement & Growth in Reading/ELA
- Strategy 1.1: Essential Standards Implementation and Professional Learning Communities
- Action 1.1.1: Provide targeted professional learning around High-Quality Curricular Materials
- Action 1.1.2: Equip administrators and guiding coalitions through effective training
- Strategy 1.2: Coaches’ Action Planning
- Action 1.2.1: Provide targeted professional learning for Literacy Coaches
- Action 1.2.2: Conduct Coach’s Action Planning (CAP) Meetings
- Strategy 1.3: Support planning and instruction for students with characteristics of dyslexia
- Action 1.3.1: Maximize professional learning opportunities for teachers focused on dyslexia-specific interventions
- Strategy 1.1: Essential Standards Implementation and Professional Learning Communities
- Goal 2: Increasing Academic Achievement & Growth in Math
- Strategy 2.1: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Action 2.1.1: Provide targeted professional learning around effective PLCs
- Action 2.1.2: Advance the essential standards implementation and professional learning
- Strategy 2.2: High-Quality materials monitoring and support
- Action 2.2.1: Provide targeted professional learning around district-adopted math instructional resources and math standards
- Strategy 2.3: Digital Resources and Instructional Technology Professional Learning
- Action 2.3.1: Offer digital resource training on district Professional Learning days
- Action 2.3.2: Enhance instructional Technology Specialist support for district staff and students
- Action 2.3.3: Develop Computer Science integration training for teachers
- Strategy 2.1: Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Goal 3: Supporting Student Well-being and Safety
- Strategy 3.1: Utilize and strengthen the tiered behavior support program at each campus
- Action 3.1.1: Provide ongoing support and professional learning around TBSP/Behavior Support
- Action 3.1.2: Continue QuaverSEL implementation at K-4 schools
- Action 3.1.3: Analyze and review ongoing discipline data in Skyward/EIS
- Strategy 3.2: Utilize and strengthen the progressive truancy intervention plan consistent with state law at each campus.
- Action 3.2.1: Support schools in implementing a consistent approach to the truancy tiers
- Action 3.2.2: Provide support through Juvenile Court meetings
- Action 3.2.3: Monitoring absences consistently
- Strategy 3.3: Advance the work of the district’s Therapy Dog Program
- Action 3.3.1: Procure and train Therapy Dogs
- Action 3.3.2: Maximize Therapy Dog schedules and support
- Strategy 3.4: Improve student and staff safety measures across all campuses
- Action 3.4.1: Monitor safety through the Student Safety Report
- Action 3.4.2: Enhance safety measures across all campuses
- Strategy 3.1: Utilize and strengthen the tiered behavior support program at each campus
- Goal 4: Supporting EL (English Learner) Subgroup
- Strategy 4.1: Implementing and monitoring the use of High-Quality Instructional Materials
- Action 4.1.1: Monitor ongoing usage and reports from Imagine Learning, iReady, and Hello Newcomer resources
- Strategy 4.2: EL Professional Learning
- Action 4.2.1: Plan and implement English Learning professional learning session
- Action 4.2.2: Commence ELPA21 professional learning for ELL, general education, and school administrators
- Strategy 4.3: Increase Tier 1 participation and engagement among ELL students
- Action 4.3.1: Emphasize professional learning around high-impact Tier 1 instructional strategies
- Strategy 4.4: Increase academic achievement & growth of ELL Students on the statewide assessment and ELPA21
- Action 4.4.1: Use and analyze data to meet the academic needs of ELL students
- Strategy 4.1: Implementing and monitoring the use of High-Quality Instructional Materials
- Goal 5: Supporting Students with Disabilities
- Strategy 5.1: Increase participation of Students with Disabilities in the regular education environment ages 5 in K through 21
- Action 5.1.1: Enhance internal processes to improve participation in the general education setting
- Strategy 5.2: Increase participation of Students with Disabilities in a regular early childhood program, ages 3 through 5 not in K
- Action 5.2.1: Evaluate and provide access to Early Childhood Programs for students aged 3-5
- Strategy 5.3: Increase the percentage of preschool children ages 3-5 with IEP who are demonstrating improved acquisition of knowledge on the Early Childhood Outcomes data
- Action 5.3.1: Provide annual training for preschool staff to increase Early Childhood Outcomes
- Strategy 5.4: Improve the percentage of students evaluated within 60 days of receiving parental consent for an initial evaluation
- Action 5.4.1: Enhance the Initial Evaluation process
- Strategy 5.5: Encourage parent involvement of students with disabilities within schools across the district
- Action 5.5.1: Provide opportunities for parental involvement
- Strategy 5.6: Increase academic achievement and participation of students with disabilities on the statewide assessment
- Action 5.6.1: Coordinate student assessment data discussions and tracking
- Strategy 5.1: Increase participation of Students with Disabilities in the regular education environment ages 5 in K through 21
2023-2024 DIP Goals
For more information about the FSSD District Improvement Plan, please contact:
Pax Wiemers, Ed.D.
Student Performance and Federal Programs
The Franklin Special District holds the following beliefs:
- An excellent teaching and learning environment where success is celebrated is essential.
- Learning thrives in an environment where differing viewpoints are respected.
- Everyone can learn when instruction is differentiated to meet individual needs.
- Every individual is valued and respected.
- Parents must be actively engaged in the education of their children.
- Challenging fine arts curricula and strong physical education programs are necessary to enhance the whole learner.
- Curricula should be rigorous and relevant to real life.
- Life-long learning is inspired by creating an atmosphere of curiosity.
- Parental and community involvement is essential to successful schools.
Great schools are central to strong communities!